Friday, 25 October 2013

Storm warning for England and wales

Strong winds and heavy rain predicted for Monday 30th October could cause disruption across Wales and southern England, according to forecasters.

The Met Office issued an Amber alert for very strong winds and there is also concern that heavy rain could cause flooding.

Forecasters say there is potential for gusts of wind over 90mph, especially on exposed coasts in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent.

I would advise that you make preparations for the coming storm by stocking up on food and water, and checking your emergency supplies such as: Candles, torch, gas stove and make sure you have extra blankets and warm clothes. There is a high possibility that power will be out for a few days due to falling trees and damage caused by strong winds. Make your Preparations NOW: You don't want to be stumbling around in the dark trying to find candles or a torch when the power goes off.

Fail to prepare -  prepare to fail

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

A Must See For Everyone!
What the banks don't want you to know?

Monday, 21 October 2013

“Doomsday virus” The clock is ticking!

As the UK prepares for another winter, in the back of my mind I think; is this the year! We have all heard the stories of the Spanish Flu in 1918, which killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide. And with modern day infrastructure and cheap flights across the globe, a new flu virus could spread fast, and wipe us out. Each year the number of Flu cases increase in the UK, and experts predict this winter to be the worse so far. There have been many news reports that the British government is stockpiling antiviral drugs, but do we really trust what they say? If the government are not worried about a flu pandemic occurring, then why stockpile antiviral drugs??
In 2004 World Health Organization experts advised governments’ around the world to stockpile flu drugs like Tamiflu, this antiviral drug would protect us in the event of an outbreak, “Or would it” the truth is that the same experts that advised governments around the world to stockpile the drugs, had financial ties to the companies that stood to profit from the sale of such drugs, and who footed the bill for all that crap, “What a surprise”, the British Tax payer.  The simple truth is that they want you to see and hear that they have antiviral drugs ready, so if anything happens we will be ok; but you won’t! Let’s say that a disease like bird flu combines with human flu, it would create a new lethal virus which could be easily passed between people, and spread at a very rapid rate. Public transport and infrastructure would give the virus a multitude of routes to spread the disease, and within 24 hours it would jump from continent to continent.  The UKs NHS service would be completely overwhelmed, and within a matter of days, critical systems would start to fall apart.  Now if all this sounds worrying to you, and I agree, it does, then why don’t the government try and make decent preparations, instead of giving us the same old rubbish; Cost to the tax payer, limited budget,  bla bla bla. It doesn’t matter what it cost, we bloody pay for it anyway!!! Its only a matter of time, not if, but when will the next big pandemic happen?

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Global warming - The begining of the end?

European and American Scientists have now confirmed that the planet will see more extreme weather patterns due to Global warming.

Since the early 1990s, scientists have been measuring the volume of freshwater dumped into the ocean by melting ice and river run offs. A report last year confirmed that freshwater in the ocean has increased by 20%, which will have an impact on the gulf stream effecting Britain and northern Europe's weather.

The signs of a major climate shift have been obvious over the last decade. Extreme cold and hot weather, tornados, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, flooding, tsunamis, the list goes on. Our climate wont suddenly change over night, what I am saying is that it has already started to change! The last 11-12 years have seen weather records broken all over the world, and will continue to get worse.

Predictable seasonal weather is a thing of the past; You must have noticed the change?

As I am typing this, Sky news is reporting that hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from costal areas, as one of the biggest Cyclones on record heads towards eastern India. At 1000 miles across, this Cyclone covers the same area as France. Reports already coming in predict that this could turn into a super Cyclone with devastating effects.

Governments around the world have known about the effects of global warming for years, but choose not to act. Its all about  money and profit, defence and wars, oil and gas; What about our grandchildren? by time the governments of the world have finished with this planet, it will be a scrap yard that no one wants live in, let alone safe enough to raise a family.

Protect your family by making preparations now. Don't wait to see what happens!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

News Update October 9th 2013

MI5 chief Andrew Parker warns of Islamist threat to UK public

Andrew Parker was making his first public speech since taking over as head of the UK Security Service in April.

Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Pakistan and Yemen present "the most direct and immediate threats to the UK," he said.

Talk about state the obvious! More scare tactics issued by the UK security services so they can justify spending millions on crap we don't need. The real threats we face are happening up and down the UK in peoples homes! Millions of people in the UK are struggling to pay bills; the cost of living is crushing communities; businesses are going under, people cant afford to pay there mortgage or put food on the table. Our economy is just as fragile as our so called terror threats from Al-Qaeda.

I am not saying that security is not important, It is;  but its yet another MI5 Chief with threats of an Attack, then when nothing happens, he takes the glory for a job well done saving us from disaster.

The government needs to fix the real problems at home first!

Monday, 7 October 2013

Emergency Basics

Many people have asked me already about other tips they can use at home in case of an emergency.

My advice is start with the basics first:

Water and food - Discussed in my previous post.

Torch/Flashlight- with extra batteries, or a wind up torch would be best.

Solar powered lantern. Can be purchased online for around £8.00, charge during the day, gives about 5 hours + of good light.

Candles- can be purchased very cheap at your local hardware store or on line. candles can also be used to take the cold edge off a room with no heating. "Please use caution with  naked flames"

First aid kit- A must for every household

A camping cooking stove. I have one that I use for fishing; they can be purchased for around £20.00 and come with three gas bottles, good for about 5 hours of cooking time. Refills can be purchased really cheap on line or at your local camping store. In most cases you will only need to boil water or heat tinned food up, however keep extra gas and make use of what you have around (barbecue etc.)

Matches/Lighter-  A must for everyone!

A Radio- In the event of an emergency you need to be kept informed of the situation. Keep extra batteries, or buy a wind up radio.

These are the basics every home should have. Not only should you have them, you must know where to find them if there is a sudden power cut.

Check your home for these basics; if you don't have them, go get them ASAP

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Basic Preperations

A good place to start for anyone thinking about prepping would be water and food supplies.
Think about what you have in the cupboard right now; How long would it last?

The most important place to start is water.
My advice is that you put aside at least six weeks worth of water, 1 litre per person per day (min) and extra for cooking and washing. 5 Litre bottles of water can be purchased at your local Tesco's for as little as £1.10, or bottling your own water is another option. Use rain catching water butts in your garden for emergency backup supplies; For emergency or short-term use of rain barrel water for drinking, boiling is the best way to purify rainwater because it kills viruses, parasites and bacteria that cause diarrhea. I recommend bringing water to a rolling boil for at least one minute and then letting it cool to room temperature.
If you think you have enough water stored; get some more!

Keeping your cupboards or garage stocked with food is also essential. Tinned food is the easy option for most; soups, beans, fruit, and meats can all be stored long term in tins. Store extra rice and pasta, dried fruit, peanuts, and porridge oats, along with powered milk, tea, coffee and any other non perishable food items. Stored items can be rotated into everyday life, and replaced with newer sell by date items.  A Vacuum sealer can preserve food for much longer periods, However, I would suggest getting the basics first.

We are entering that time of year in the UK where the weather can cause serious disruption and damage. Flooding, Extended cold weather and power outages happen yearly; but what if the unthinkable happens!  Flu pandemic, terrorist attack or even a solar flare crashing our national grid and leaving us without power for weeks; all are real threats in the modern world we live in. Why risk your life's for the sake of a few extra stores and previsions?

Start your preparations NOW! Before its too late.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Cyber Attack

The US has reported finding a large number of Trojan horses and trap doors hidden in there national grid systems, and found a lot of malware, not coming from the United States but somewhere else. The computers controlling the Electricity grids in both Britain and the United states are constantly sending messages to one another over the internet; this is so they can balance the supply with demand. The only problem is that this then allows hackers the capability to gain access to critical systems.
The UK government does not have the funds or resources to update critical systems, and its only a matter of time before someone shuts our Grid down.
An attack on the UK National grid could cause a severe State of Emergency. Imagine No Power, Heat, Food or water for 2 weeks. Society would start to fall apart, people would become desperate. 

 Do you have the basics at home to Survive a 2 week power outage?


Welcome to Survival UK.

Over the next few weeks and months; I will be sharing my opinion's on how to Survive a UK threat.
Threats can come in many forms in the modern world we live in today; Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters, Flu Pandemic or even a Financial collapse due to Hyper inflation.  All of which we need to prepare for.

I hope to guide you in simple preparation techniques that could one day save you and your family's life.
And above all, at very low cost or disruption to our everyday life's.

My other main objective will be to keep the UK public updated with any new threats on the horizon, and regular updates on the old ones.

Many thanks!