European and American Scientists have now confirmed that the planet will see more extreme weather patterns due to Global warming.
Since the early 1990s, scientists have been measuring the volume of freshwater dumped into the ocean by melting ice and river run offs. A report last year confirmed that freshwater in the ocean has increased by 20%, which will have an impact on the gulf stream effecting Britain and northern Europe's weather.
The signs of a major climate shift have been obvious over the last decade. Extreme cold and hot weather, tornados, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, flooding, tsunamis, the list goes on. Our climate wont suddenly change over night, what I am saying is that it has already started to change! The last 11-12 years have seen weather records broken all over the world, and will continue to get worse.
Predictable seasonal weather is a thing of the past; You must have noticed the change?
As I am typing this, Sky news is reporting that hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from costal areas, as one of the biggest Cyclones on record heads towards eastern India. At 1000 miles across, this Cyclone covers the same area as France. Reports already coming in predict that this could turn into a super Cyclone with devastating effects.
Governments around the world have known about the effects of global warming for years, but choose not to act. Its all about money and profit, defence and wars, oil and gas; What about our grandchildren? by time the governments of the world have finished with this planet, it will be a scrap yard that no one wants live in, let alone safe enough to raise a family.
Protect your family by making preparations now. Don't wait to see what happens!
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